Yoga: Starting Egyptian Step. Elbowgrip (1)

Image 1 - Yoga: Starting Egyptian Step. Elbowgrip (1) Image 2 - Yoga: Starting Egyptian Step. Elbowgrip (1)

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Yoga: Starting Egyptian Step. Elbowgrip (1)


Start in Tadasana mountain pose, walk the right foot forward and step the left foot back. Point both the shoulders and hips forward and grab onto the opposite elbows behind your back. Spread the toes lift the right kneecap up. Push evenly and down through all four corners of the feet, lengthen the spine and softly tuck the chin in to lengthen the cervical vertebrae. Roll the shoulders back and down to open the chest. Take 2 to 5 deep breaths here and repeat on the other side.


Stretches, Yoga

Udstyr benyttet

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